UAE Driving License

Driving License
in Abu Dhabi

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    Under normal circumstances, obtaining a driving license in Abu Dhabi is an expensive and complicated process; however, If you are an individual who holds a valid driving license from another country and have citizenship or active residency in Abu Dhabi, it’s possible to simplify and accelerate the license obtaining process.

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    Working alongside the local Traffic Department, we have been authorized to provide driving license services to residents of Abu Dhabi. We assist hundreds of eligible applicants from places such as the USA and the EU obtain official Abu Dhabi driving licenses without ever having to enroll in a driving course. For other applicants, we assist them to apply to the Golden Chance to get their driving license quickly.

    Transferring (Converting) an Existing Driving License

    Choose the country of your current License Country:

    The Driving
    License Obtaining Process

    After all appropriate documents have been gathered, and if necessary, the golden chance exam has been passed, an applicant may continue with the application process. To continue, we will assist you step-by-step in the simple and straightforward process of attaining your driving license in Abu Dhabi.

    Additional Requirements and Considerations

    In addition to the aforementioned documents, all license applicants must also meet the following requirements before qualifying to drive in Abu Dhabi:

    If the applicant holds active residency in another Emirate rather than Abu Dhabi, an exemption arrangement may be made if the applicant holds an active work visa and their company has a branch in Abu Dhabi to which the applicant should provide the Trade License with the name of the company matching with the name of the company in their visa.

    Applicants must have proof of citizenship or an active residency visa in Abu Dhabi. Tourist visas do not qualify an individual for the reception of a driving license.


    This service is intended for Foreign residents and citizens of Abu Dhabi seeking to obtain a driving license without going through the process of enrolling in a driving course. 

    Applicants with an Arab driving license and individuals without a driving license from their home country do not qualify for license conversion services.

    All driving licenses must be officially translated into Arabic. Hiring a certified translation company is the easiest and fastest way to legally translate a driving license in Abu Dhabi.

    Get an Official Translation

    A golden chance is an on-road driving exam available to foreign drivers whose current licenses do not qualify for converting their driving license directly. A golden chance exam may only be taken once. Failure to pass the exam will require an individual to attend a driving instruction course and pass a series of additional exams before a local license can be issued.

    Individuals may apply for a driver’s license from outside of Abu Dhabi. However, after approval, recipients must be physically present to collect the Abu Dhabi driver’s license.

    While The UAE allows residents from most countries to retain their driver’s license from their country of origin, license holders of the following countries will have their license removed upon receiving an Abu Dhabi driver’s license:

    • Slovakia
    • Latvia
    • Latvia
    • Cyprus
    • Malta
    • Estonia
    • Lithuania
    • Hungary
    • Bulgaria
    • Iceland
    • Albania
    • Holland
    • Romania
    • Austria
    • Poland
    • Luxembourg

    According to UAE regulations: “The minimum age requirement to obtain a driving license depends on the vehicle, for which you are obtaining the license. The minimum age requirement is as follows”:

    • 17 years for motorcycles and vehicles for people with special needs.
    • 18 years for cars and light vehicles.
    • 20 years for heavy vehicles and tractors.
    • 21 years for buses.




    You need to fill in these requirements. Our team will contact you in no time!


